Sober living

A collection of 9 post

Drug Addiction vs Drug Dependence

When a person stops taking that drug suddenly, they will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. There is a very fine line between drug tolerance, dependence, and addiction. Often, it is a line that even concerned loves ones cannot fully make out. Is my son addicted to drugs, or is his body just dependent on them? Is […]

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline, & Treatment

While no longer separate diagnoses, it can be helpful to understand the differences between the two. “Dependence” refers to being unable to stop drinking without experiencing withdrawal symptoms physiological dependence on alcohol while “abuse” refers to continuing to consume alcohol despite adverse consequences. Those with moderate to severe alcohol use disorders generally require outside help […]

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline, & Treatment

While no longer separate diagnoses, it can be helpful to understand the differences between the two. “Dependence” refers to being unable to stop drinking without experiencing withdrawal symptoms physiological dependence on alcohol while “abuse” refers to continuing to consume alcohol despite adverse consequences. Those with moderate to severe alcohol use disorders generally require outside help […]

CNS depression: Symptoms, risks, and treatment

The review paper will give an overview of the neurobiology of alcohol addiction, followed by detailed reviews of some of the recent papers published in the context of the genetics of alcohol addiction. Furthermore, the author hopes that the present text will be found useful to novices and experts alike in the field of neurotransmitters […]

Involuntary Rehab: Can You Force Someone to go to Rehab?

While there are treatment options for minors, forced rehab is not a route available for desperate family members. The Mental Health Act also applies to children under the age of 18 years of age. Matthew “Casey” Wethington died when he was 23 due to a heroin overdose. Casey was described as an energetic and athletic young man […]

Alcohol related brain impairment

In their study, Roehrich and Goldman (1993) used relapse prevention training as the treatment component. They implemented this training in the latter phases of the cognitive rehabilitation program. Four remediation strategies were compared, with a different group assigned to each intervention. The strategies included practice on standard cognitive (i.e., neuropsychological) tasks, practice on ecologically relevant […]